

Editor to improve Data Interoperability by bridging Standards using human-centric Semantics.


The purpose of this project is to enhance the data portability of standards. Although in the end for any structured data we start with XML as syntax.

Our first milestone objective is to provide within half a year a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to interested parties.

For the beginning, we have chosen the real-world scenario maintaining the syntax binding of the EU e-procurement (EU CEN Standard EN16931) scenario.

EU Syntax Binding

With our MVP we want to show how domain experts are able to easily align their semantics - here given by the CEN technical committee 434 (EN16931-1) - with the related given syntax, in our showcase the e-procurement XML syntax Cross Industry Invoice (CII) defined by the UN/CEFACT.

High level Concept

User Documentation

Developer Documentation


Paul Simons, Convenor TC434 WG1. Semantic data model

This work is important for the further development and standardisation of e-invoicing in general and more specific to the EN16931 developed by the CEN/TC434 Workgroup. It will

Fred van Blommestein, editor of EN16931-1 and convenor of CEN/TC434 WG3 (Syntax binding)

TC434 has limited resources, especially with regard to the very technical work of syntax binding of semantic standards, which needs highly specialized expertise. Two projects within TC434 soon will need this effort: the amendment of EN16931-1 (the semantic standard for an electronic invoice) and the semantic standard for an electronic receipt. The tooling that is developed in this solution is indispensable for this work.

Supported by

Image DAPSI - Data Portability & Services Incubator
Data Portability & Services Incubator (DAPSI) program -
EU Grant Agreement No.: 871498 -
Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2020