
Getting Started


  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Code (hereinafter referred to as VS Code)
  2. Download the latest release of the Semantic-Crosswalk-Editor Extension (Assets ➜ VSIX file)
  3. Launch VS Code
  4. Go to Extensions in the Activity Bar (Ctrl+Shift+X)
  5. Select the […] menu at the top and Install from VSIX…
     Install Extension
  6. In the Install from VSIX open file dialog, select the previously downloaded Semantic-Crosswalk-Editor VSIX file from Step 2 (e.g. semantic-crosswalk-editor-0.18.1.vsix)
     Extension Installed
    (A new menu will appear in the Activity Bar indicating that the extension was installed succesfully)
  7. Select the Semantic Crosswalk Explorer menu and open a XML, XSD or SSB file to activate the extension features (See Open the Syntax-Mapping Sample File next)

Open the Syntax-Mapping Sample File

To quickly get started, download the Syntax-Mapping sample file from the GitHub repository and open it in VS Code. This sample will be also used in the following documentation to provide a straight forward walkthrough.

Make sure to trust the file (Open) when the following prompt appears:
 Trust File

Default Workspace Sample

The default VS Code workspace with the extension enabled and the sample file opened should look like the following image:
 Default Workspace

User Interface Overview

The following screen describes the different sections of the UI and the related terms (conventional VS Code terms) used across this documentation.

 VSCode UI Overview

VS Code comes with a simple and intuitive layout that maximizes the space provided for the editor while leaving ample room to browse and access the full context of your folder or project. The UI is divided into five areas:

Each time you start VS Code, it opens up in the same state it was in when you last closed it. The folder, layout, and opened files are preserved.
Open files in each editor are displayed with tabbed headers (Tabs) at the top of the editor region.

Semantic-Crosswalk-Editor Sections

These sections and their associated terms are specific to the Semantic Crosswalk Editor extension and used as conventions in this documentation.

 Extension Sections

Additional Information

More information concerning the general UI features of VS Code and introductory guides: