

Installation Prerequisites:

Building (Develop with Watcher)

  1. Clone this repository and cd to the project root
  2. Install the dependencies:
     $ yarn install
  3. To run the extension, start VSCode and open the ‘Run and Debug’ view from its Activity Bar (Ctrl+Shift+D).
  4. Select and run ‘Launch Extension’ at the top left by hitting the green arrow:

     Launch Extension

Debugging Guides

Building (Production Package)

  1. Install VSCE (The Visual Studio Code Extension Manager) globally via yarn:
     $ yarn global add vsce

    or via npm:

     $ npm install -g vsce
  2. Follow the steps 1 and 2 from Building (Develop with Watcher)
  3. In the project root, build the package by running:
     $ yarn run package
  4. Install the resulting VSIX package semantic-crosswalk-editor-0.xx.x.vsix under VS Code -> Extensions (preferable in a VS Code Insiders instance):

     Install Extension